LLC «Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka»
«Visbreaking» installation unit
MCC panels
Production unit №1. АТ-1 installation unit.
Distribution Transformer Substation-5а
2PTS-1000 kVA,
LVCD panels
LLC «Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka»
Development of nitrogen and air production Distribution Transformer Substation -256. Nitrogen station -2 unit.
2PTS-1600 kVA
Work unit No.4 of power supply unit участка электроснабжения. Gas plant-110/6/6
Relay Protection and Automation panel for transformer
Technical upgrading of CDU unit
MCC panels
Consolidated control room centre
2PTS for outdoor installation-250 kVA,
MCC panels
DHYT №16 (second phase) of fuel production.
Air compressor station
2PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA,
MCC panels
LLC «Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez»
Transformer substation-96 Advanced Oil processing centre,
NTKR block
2PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA,
MCC panels, Automation system for Gas Booster Compressor Unit 6GV, control panels 0,4 kV
Recycling complex Oil-contaminated waste. Distribution transformer substation-133
2PTS for outdoor installation-1000 kVA with MCC
LLC «Lukoil-Permneftegazpererabotka»
Gas-compressor stations «Tanyp», «Kueda»
MCC panels
OJSC «Kuybyshevskiy NPZ»
«Visbreaking» installation unit
MCC panels
Reconstruction of installation unit Л35.11-1000
MCC panels
Hydrogen unit
2PTS for outdoor installation-1600 kVA, 2PTS for outdoor installation-630 kVA
OJSC «Novokuybyshevskiy NPZ»
Production unit №59, Production unit №10, Filling scheme setting-up for «Premium-95», «Super-98»
MCC panels
OJSC «Achinskiy NPZ»
MCC panels
OJSC «Antipinskiy NPZ»
MCC panels
OJSC «Ryazanskaya NPK»
MCC panels
OJSC «Orsknefteorgsintez»
Technological Process Automated Control System for Air-Compressor Section
OJSC «Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez»
Catalytic cracking complex
2PTS-1000 kVA,
MCC panels
Goods depot for LPG
2PTS-1000 kVA
LLC «RN-Tuapsinskiy NPZ»
Central commodity laboratory
LVCD panels