

Our automation products:

ACS of compressor equipment
ACS of gas air cooler
ACS of hydroelectric power station’s hydraulic units
powerengineering specialist's workstation

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CHETA LLC The company Major projects YARGEO LLC (NOVATEK)

(Arrangement of Yarudeyskoye field).

Design organization: GIPRONG-ECOM, IPIgaz

Contract signing date: June 2013

Delivery expectancy: 31.07.2014

Actual delivery: July 2014

Scope of supply:

  • Packaged transformer substations with capacity from 63 up to 2500 kVA for voltage 10/0,4 kV (22 pcs).
  • Linear consumer blocks.
  • LV switchgear enclosures.

Production details:

The main goal of the Customer is well-timed putting of equipment into commercial operation, which means that development of the field should have been finished in time.

CHETA LLC has fulfilled its obligations under the supply contract to the full extent and on time.

The design and working documentation required deep modification both with respect to the schemes of electric power supply of cluster sites and the layouts of PTS. This modification took place in the design institutes with the participation of CHETA LLC specialists simultaneously with the manufacturing of PTS.

PTS were manufactured using the following components:

  • HV switchgear, consisting of chambers of prefabricated unilateral servicing (KSO type) with ATS. ATS was implemented on BB-TEL circuit breakers using Multilin F650 (GE) relay protection IEDs. The IEDs had their own programmable logic and allowed implementing any logic of the ATS operation.
  • Power transformers of Minsk Electrotechnical Plant, dry with AL windings. All transformers were equipped with thermal relays. The signal of overheating from these relays was used in the circuit of PTS protection.
  • PTS transformers for clusters were installed in separate compartments equipped with a forced ventilation system.
  • LV switchgear was manufactured on the basis of GE equipment. Input and section circuit breakers were of withdrawable design.

Each product included a telecontrol panel. With the help of this panel, signals about the status of the input circuit breakers and the sectional breaker in LVDB, the status of the circuit breakers in HVSG and status of breakers that feed drowned pumps were collected. In addition, telecontrol panel displayed signal of the temperature inside the building.

Start-up operations:

The full scope of installation and commissioning works was implemented by contractor organization. CHETA LLC implemented adjustment supervision. There were no claims on equipment quality in the process of work implementation from the Customer.

In total the following products were supplied:

packaged power transformer substations 2PTS-2500/10/0.4 kV, 2PTS-1600/10/0.4 kV, 2PTS-1000/10/0.4 kV, 2PTS-630/10/0.4 kV, 2PTS-400/10/0.4 kV, 2PTS-250/10/0.4 kV, LV packages.


«The equipment supplied is manufactured at a high technical level, with good quality of installation. Quality of the design documentation and promptness of technical issues resolving meet our requirements. During joint work CHETA LLC has proved to be a high-skilled designer and manufacturer».

General Director of LLC YARGEO - A.I. Buharov

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